Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Great Adventure: Out with the "New" and in with the "Old"

Prior to going to Holly's that night,  I would have easily rated myself at an "8" for the nutrition of our family.  After reading and learning more information on nutrition, I now would have given myself something closer to a "3".  I was blown away at how much I was outsourcing our food to mega food companies and how much they were compromising the very nutrition of our food.

So, the center of our adventure is now.......eating whole, nutrient dense foods, preparing them properly, and yes that means no more processed foods.  This is NOT a switch to only eating organic labels.  (Though we do get our spices and such in organic.) This IS a switch to eating food in its most whole state...that means as minimally processed as possible.  (Things such as crackers, gummy bears, candy, fruit juice, goldfish are out even if they are "organic".....in posts to come I will share more information on processed foods and extruded grain.) We have gone back to a traditional diet.....one that has foods that my great-great-great grandma would recognize.  (That's 3 great's)  Here are pictures of my fridge and cupboards now :)

In the next couple of weeks, my hope is to gently show you how we switched to a traditional diet and what exactly a traditional diet is.  I will include recipes and tutorials and hopefully soon Holly will have her blog up and running so I can shoot you over to her.

Now that you have heard part of our story, I am hoping that you will continue to keep reading and learning.  The information I will pass along to you will cause you to do one of three things.

  1. Remain- to continue on with the Standard American Diet (SAD)
  2. Reform- to take the SAD diet and switch to organic (still buying boxes, frozen dinners and canned goods but are now organic.....still outsourcing food to the local health food store and organic labels)
  3. Return- go back to a traditional way of eating and preparing foods (dehydrating, fermenting, sourdough bread, making meals from scratch with fresh produce, "real" milk and eggs and my favorite part.....eating lots of "good" fat)
My hope is that you will in some way research what you are eating daily and the next time you think or say, "I know this is so bad for me, but.....but...."  ----My hope is that at that moment you will toss it, instead of eating it.  Of course, I am hoping you all will want to "return" to good, whole food.

Stay tuned for the first step in this process of switching over.....in true Bethany style, I stalked down every person that had good food information for me and switched over to all of this fairly quickly.  I was responsible for caring for my family and once I knew the truth about the foods in our home, it was a joy to throw them away as quickly as possible (I can't say that for Big Daddy....he trusted me but it took him a little longer to adjust to not having chips, crackers and such in the house until I came up with a nutrient-rich substitute)  I will be sharing information with you at a much slower pace in hopes that you will not get overwhelmed but be excited to start this journey :)

Next post I will tell you a little more how this Amish connection Holly had changed our lives indefinitely......