Thursday, November 26, 2009

Journey ReEnactment Concert Featuring: Dan Flower

Big Daddy and I got to go see our Uncle Dan Flower rock the in a tribute concert to Journey.  I was impressed and Big Daddy and I had so much fun that we want to see them again.  Here are some pictures and the websited where you can check out more of their songs, concert listings and alittle about the band:  Lights: Journey Tribute Band Homepage

Behind every man is the woman who supports and loves him and here she..... Mrs. Flower.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Little Bub's Thumb!

The Adventure of Little Bub

He was playing with his bro,
and they were running to and fro.
They have been told "Do not slam the door!"
but Big Bub forgot and Little Bub cried alot more.

Big Daddy was first to arrive on the scene,
and his little thumb was caught in between.
I was upstairs baking some bread
and I did not know that his thumb was so red.

Big Daddy then tried to straighten it out
but he could not move the little thumb about.
The doctor called to see what was the matter
and he asked, "Is it getting any fatter?"

Dr. Void gave his thumb alittle tickle
but that little thumb was still being fickle.
So he sent us away to the hand doctor,
his name was Richter the Rocker.

Dr. Rocker did not make us linger,
He said, "Oh...that's a trigger finger!"
You will need to go to the hospital,
but don't worry son they will give you a popsicle.

So that was the adventure in a nutshell,
and yes, Little Bub did yell.
But he squeals with delight,
and now he will have a thumb just right.

Written for: Little Bub
By: Mommy

Book Review: Dinosaurs Stars of the Show

Dinosaurs: Stars of the Show written by Amie Zordel and illustrated by Joanna Borrero is a must have for your children's book collection. I have a dinosaur lover in our family and I grow weary of the heavy evolutionary material constantly presented through other dinosaur books.

This book was a breath of fresh air as it presented truth based on the Bible. I love the example of the little girl in the book that when she questions something she runs straight to the Bible as an authority instead of the internet or library. It is a great book to use as a unit for homeschool study as well. (for preschool, kindergarten)

My children have enjoyed this book and we have had great discussions from reading it together. It is important for me to teach my children how to think and be able to figure out what is true and what to measure truth by and this book is going to be a great tool in teaching them.

The illustrations in this book are so colorful and inviting. I adored the artwork. I also enjoyed the rhyming story. (it makes it more fun for me to read)
Overall, I would recommend this book as a "must have" for any parent who wants their child to learn early what truth is and where it comes from.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mistress of the Domain: Fallen

     Along with the created aspect of this domain comes the fallen aspect. Our image of God has been corrupted. We still have a mind but it is darkened. Our domains have been affected by the Fall (human choice to disobey God and eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil) and our work is under a curse that the Lord gave to the man and the woman. (Genesis 3:16-19) Work is not part of the curse but unproductive, frustrating, inefficient work is the Curse. Our domains will continue to rebel against us as we have rebelled against God. Everything around us is in entropy...including our domains in which we are to rule over. The curse is what comes along and destroys our labor and making our work fruitless.

     God has allowed the principle of rebellion loose in our world, but He has a redemptive plan. Romans 8:20-21, "For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God." By intensifying the struggles with the deep issues of life, it pushes us back to God and away from Him. His hope is that we will all turn back to Him as He will lift the Curse someday and we will no longer live under the Curse.

     This Curse has directly affected all of my domains. Examples would be: Little Bub constantly running away from me, my house looking like a tornado hit it, something breaking on my camera, burning a meal, staying up too late, thinking mean thoughts about my husband, wanting more and more even though I have everything I need, loosing my temper, my kiddos constant fighting, the dishes piling up in my sink, pine needles that prick me feet as I walk through my house... my list could go on and on. We need to understand how the Curse causes our domains to rebel against us. We need to stop believing lies about God and trust the Great King under whose authority we are working. We deserve to have far worse punishment for our rebellion against God...He is a good and gracious God.

     Below are a couple of pictures I have captured through the years that have helped me see some of my rebelling domains.  Most of my time is spent in the home and with my children so naturally most of these are of them.

This one is classic....the whining children battling to make breakfast. this is classic.  We were getting ready to leave the kids with a babysitter to go for a nice dinner and a banquet at the Pregnancy Support Center when we heard the kids being unusually quiet.  They were at work making a big sticky mess.

This happens daily and is frustrating for me.  Who walks on the dining room table????

Ahh...the whining again!

I love this one.  You're trying to get a beautiful family portrait and all the kiddos are running in different directions :) 

And this was a sad picture for me to was our first Christmas in our new home and also Laney's first Christmas.  We had an ice storm that took out our power for 5 days starting on Dec. 23.  It was a scary night with no power and hearing branches breaking and wondering when one of our big ole' trees was going to give way.  We had to stay with family (which was fun) but there is just something about celebrating the holidays in your own home.

Thankfully our good and gracious God has a redemptive plan which I will post soon.....