Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Educational Movies

Since Big Daddy B and I have been married when have never had cable....that is well over 6 years.  We actually did not have money in the budget for it when we got married and got so used to not having it that we never ventured to get it.  With that said, I have found a PBS show, on dvd, that has caught my attention.

Since we do not have cable, we have been renting the dvd's from the libary.  Kristi revealed WordWorld to me and my kids are loving it.  It is actually the one we watch the most.  I love that they can teach the kids while they watch.  I have worked it into our school schedule that they watch their "educational video" as I am preparing for dinner....it works beautifully.  I also love that we own/rent  the DVD's.  It allows me the freedom to use them whenever I like and not be bound to the tv schedule:)

The other series we have really been enjoying is Popular Mechanics for Kids.  They show the inside scoop on just about everything and they show how things work.  I always try to make their school day "movie" something that teaches them so they can learn from that break time too.

Another homeschool mother once told me, "Its ok to have a little movie time each day and sometimes its a great break for both of you!"  That was freeing for me and I can say it has been a great refreshing time in our home and a great asset to our school day.

1 comment:

  1. We LOVE Popular Mechanics for Kids! And I'm so excited to hear that Word World is on DVD. I looked for it awhile back, and couldn't find it; but the few times we have watched the show we really enjoyed it. Word World is one of the few websites I let M play games on. :)
