Sunday, November 8, 2009

Project Dining Room Part 1

Since we moved into this home in 2004 (the picture above was move in day :)...our house is now yellow though you can see it on this post)  it has taken a completely different look.  Big Daddy B is very handy and he has a creative wife so we are always creating something new to do.  This project is different though.  This is something I have wanted for years now...hard wood floor in my dining room.  With four children and food constantly being smeared into the carpet, it just wasn't working anymore.  I will be posting updates as we go.  Here are a couple of through the years dining room pictures.

This was the dining room in March 2004. Our whole home was white when we moved...thank God I knew a great painter :)

Big Daddy B painted the dining for my birthday May 2006.

And this is the beginning of our 2009 hard wood floor project.  I can't even explain how excited I am to be able to actually clean up spilled applesauce with ease!!!!!  No more yucky carpet.  More updates on the project to come....

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